Why do we need peptides all the time?


As active substance for keeping life, peptides play an important part in supplementing cells with nutrients, so it is essential for us to supply peptide.


The body itself can secrete some active peptides, however, in different ages and in different conditions, there are different peptides are secreted from body. Therefore, we can divide different peptides according to secretion. 


1.  Adequate secretion period

In the youth period, in other words, before 25 years old. During this period, the human body has a balanced secretion strong immune function, and people is generally not prone to disease.

2.  Inadequate secretion period (Imbalance period)

During 20 to 50, if active peptides have inadequate secretion or imbalance, all kinds of sub-health state and micro diseases will happen in this period.

3.  Secretory deficiency period (Severe deficiency period)

If the active peptides in the body is severely deficiency and imbalance during the middle-age and the elderly, then aging symptom will happen and cause various diseases.

4.  Secretion termination period (Old period)

It is a short period, and because active peptides have no secretion or few secretion, which cause cell function decline, and initiate organ failure and loss, until end of life.

From the above, we can see that our secreted peptides can keep our health until 25 years old. However, after the age of 25, our own secreted peptides show a decreasing trend, especially the secretion of the middle-age and the elderly is severely insufficient. All kinds of diseases will come to us if supply insufficient peptides.

5.  Whats more, affected by many factors such as life style, absorption ability and external nutritional environment, we cannot directly supply high quality protein for our body, but peptides can directly or indirectly absorbed by human body so as to supplying nutrient and energy for human body. Therefore, peptides are widely suitable for many people in different ages.

Post time: Apr-14-2021

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